Make credit crunch survival your next ‘LIFEGOAL’
Top tips on surviving and thriving in the credit crunch
Mind Set: think positive and focus on what you can do and influence, rather than on what you ‘can’t do’. Negativity is unhelpful and gets you nowhere.
Talk: don’t do it alone. Others are feeling it too. Share ideas, and look at ways to overcome obstacles. Two heads are better than one.
Be self-aware: stress and worry leads to loss of motivation and procrastination. If you feel stressed, seek help to get you back on track and in control.
Look for opportunities: diversify and look out for possible alliances.
Join a business or social networking group: These offer fantastic support mechanisms as well as sourcing new business leads.
Action: don’t get caught in the activity trap. Action is what achieves goals and moves a business forward.
Get your house in order: what do you need to do now? Keep your eye on costs; look at your credit control process, etc.
Apply the 80/20 rule: instead of using up 80% energy and resource for 20% profit, turn it round and use 20% resource for 80% gain. Where is your main income coming from? Ramp up your low key marketing and max out on your networking for example.
Know where you are going and be prepared: review your business/action plan, consider the ‘what ifs’ from all eventualities.
Stick to a healthy diet and exercise regularly: this will help you sleep better. You will reap the rewards by performing more efficiently and sustainably.
For more details on how to survive the credit crunch, please contact Wendy Reeves at LifeGoal.